Setting and Infrastructure

Campus Site

Number of Campus Site: 6

As a state university founded in 1992, Kırıkkale University is located at the heart of Türkiye, only 70 km away from the capital city, Ankara, with 12 faculties, a school of foreign languages, 7 vocational schools, and 3 graduate schools. It has 1 main large campus of about 20 acres of land and 5 satellite campuses, which are Keskin Vocational School, Delice Vocational School, Hacilar Vocational School, Fatma Şenses Social Sciences Vocational School, and Faculty of Health Sciences Campus. 
Kırıkkale University, as a higher education institution that understands and values the importance of research and life-long learning, has 23 research centres in such fields as Environmental Problems, Distance Education, and Elderly Health Studies. Local people, as well as students and researchers from inside and outside the university, enjoy the opportunities offered by the Technopark, the Technology Transfer Office, and various research laboratories in faculties, such as Biology Lab, Electronics Lab, and Microprocessors Lab. Kırıkkale University also offers health services with 4 hospitals (Medical Hospital, Dental Hospital, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Hospital, and Animal Hospital)

Total campus area : 8034069 square meter

Total campus ground floor area of buildings: 155301 square meter
Total campus buildings area: 464434 square meter

The ratio of open space to total area: >95%

Total area on campus covered in forest vegetation: >9-22%: 629755 square meter

Total area on campus covered in planted vegetation: >20-30% - 788070 square meter

Total area on campus for water absorption besided forest and planted vegetation : >30% 725999 square meter

Total number of regular students: 34488

Total number of online students: 1788

Total number of academic and administrative staff: 2118

Total open space area divided by total campus population >70 square meter per person

Total university budget for sustainability effort: 163705 (dollar)

Percentage of university budget for sustainability effort: >15%

Percentage of operation and maintenance activities of building in one year period >75-99%

Campus facilities for disable and maternity care exist in all buildings and are fully operated.

Security and safety facilities are available and fully functions and security responding time for accidents, crime, fire and natural disasters is less than 10 minutes

For further information about our security facilities, please visit http://

Health infrastructure facilities for students and academic staff wellbeing are available and accessible for public.

Kırıkkale University also offers health services with 4 hospitals (Medical Hospital ( Dental Hospital ( Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Hospital )

Consevation: plant (flora), animal (fauna), and wildlife, genetic resources for food and agriculture secured in either medium or long-term conversation facilities in preparation