Number of courses related to sustainability: 273
The lists of the courses related to sustainability : Courses related to sustainability.pdf
Total number of courses offered: 20872
The courses of all the programs can be found in information package
Total research funds dedicated to sustainability research (average per annum over the last 3 years) : 53632 dollars
Total research funds (average per annum over the last 3 years) : 171228 dollars
The ratio of sustainability research funding to total research funding: 31%
Number of scholarly publications on sustainability published (average annually for the past 3 years): 11
The link of the articles can be founf in the document articles related to sustainability (2022).pdf
Number of activities organized by student organizations related to sustainability per year: 8
For more information about the activities organized by student organization in 2022, please look at the document activities organized by students organizations related to sustainability.pdf
Number of cultural activities on campus: more than 3 per year